The response from those who wanted to be updated on the progress of my new book: Ask: How to Relate to Anyone , has been really heartening. My thanks to each of you.
Status of manuscript
I have been working with a wonderful developmental editor, D. Olson Pook Ph.D. Together, we have completed a good working draft of the manuscript. All that remains is an annotated bibliography and some minor tweaks. I should have a final manuscript in around 45 days.
My goal is to have a book in print and ready for sale by the end of the first quarter of 2020. It’s an ambitious time schedule, but I think it’s realistic.
Ask will be available at askdansolin.com, on Amazon and in bookstores nationwide.
The demographic
The demographic for this book is broad. It will help everyone build deeper, more meaningful relationships, in business and in their personal and social lives. You can think of Ask as How to Win Friends and Influence People, on steroids, replete with cutting edge research using technology that wasn’t available in 1936, when Dale Carnegie wrote his seminal book.
My hope is that Ask will improve the lives of all who read it.
Branding opportunities
Printing technology has changed markedly in recent years. I will have the ability to brand the cover of Ask with the logo of an advisory firm or other business, and even to include in the bound copy a personal message from a senior executive. No minimum order is required, but the price per book decreases as the books per order go up.
I’m also exploring strategic alliances and sponsorships. If you have any suggestions, please pass them on.
Internship program
I’m looking for one or two freelance interns to help with the marketing of Ask. The positions will be virtual and part-time, but could grow into something more substantial. Please send inquires to me at: [email protected]. This could be a good learning opportunity for someone interested in the mechanics of launching a new book, marketing and publishing.
Stay tuned!